Types of Snapper in Florida and How To Catch Snapper

Florida's Gulf Coast is a popular spot for fishing, especially for different types of snapper like Red, Yellowtail, Mutton, and Mangrove Snapper. These fish are known for putting up a good fight and tasting great, which makes them a favorite among anglers.
As fishing technology has improved, more fishermen are heading out into the Gulf to try their luck. You'll need the right gear and bait, such as shrimp or live bait like pinfish, to catch these snappers. There are plenty of charter boats available, especially in places like St. Petersburg, that are equipped with everything you need for a successful fishing trip.
Whether you're experienced or new to fishing, catching snapper off Florida’s Gulf Coast can be an exciting and rewarding experience.

What types of snapper can be caught off the Florida Gulf Coast?

Red snapper, Yellowtail snapper, Mutton Snapper, and Mangrove Snapper are all common in Florida waters.

Red snapper:


Three men on a boat holding large red snapper, showcasing different types of snapper caught while fishing with the ocean in the background
Red snappers are similar in appearance to other snappers. They have a dark red dorsal side and a lighter ventral white side


The weight of red snapper can range from 6 ounces to over 30 pounds, but most fish caught are usually less than 20 pounds.

Red snapper can be found at depths around 150 feet, which is where most catches occur.

We specialize in American Red Snapper fishing off the Gulf Coast in Florida.

Yellowtail Snapper:

Yellowtail snapper is a type of snapper found off the coast of Florida. Typically, these fish can be identified by their distinctive elongated body shape and yellowtail.

They have been documented to grow to be around 12-25 inches long and weigh 3-8lbs.

These fish are typically caught at depths ranging from 5-200 feet.

Mutton Snapper:

Man on a boat holding a large snapper, showcasing different types of snapper caught while fishing with the ocean in the background

Mutton snapper has a pinkish green dorsal side and a white ventral side.

They have been photographed to grow up to 30 inches in length, and weigh up to 20 pounds. These fish are typically most commonly caught at depths of 5-200 feet.

The average weight ranges from 3-14 lbs with an approximate length of 19 inches.

Mangrove Snapper:

Mangrove snappers have a greenish-yellow to whitish-yellow color on both the dorsal region and ventral region. This is usually a distinguishing factor between mangrove snapper and other types of snapper.

The fish can be found at depths as shallow as 5 feet or as deep as 200 feet.

What gear is needed to catch Snapper?

A fishing charter boat with a good fishing deck well-stocked with lures and bait of various types will help the angler get started on their quest for these tasty fish. Rigging up some shrimp is one way to go, but live bait like pinfish, shrimp, or mullet can also be used.

How can I find a charter boat?

There are several online resources that will help you to locate the perfect fishing vessel for your needs. If you are looking for a Fishing charter in St. Petersburg, Florida then look no further! Reel Coquina offers the best service, to the most experienced fishermen, and top-of-the-line equipment in the area.

Florida has many great places to fish for snapper off its gulf coast - from Pensacola Beach in Florida's western panhandle all the way down Pompano Beach in Broward County along "The Gold Coast" of Florida's southeast coast!


Fishing for snapper can be an amazing adrenaline filled experience for any level of angler. The thrill comes not only from the fight that these fish offer, but also in finding a variety that can be caught - red snapper, yellowtail snapper, mutton snapper, or mangrove snapper! All you need is some good gear and bait for your charter boat, and head out to sea with one of Florida's many fishing charters! Don't forget to check the regulations before casting off!

Contact us today if you are looking for the best Fishing Charters near St. Petersburg, Fl and we will be sure you are going to catch some fish!